Substance Use and Addictions: Providing Understanding and Support
Everyone has days when their ‘head just isn’t in the game’. It could be due to stress from inside or outside work.
This is expected from time to time. However, if these days seem to happen more often than not for someone, that could be a sign of substance abuse.
Substance abuse is costly, resulting in reduced productivity and increased absenteeism, which may result in more health-related issues and short and long-term disability claims.
This interactive eLearning program contains three modules that move you towards insight and understanding around the issues of substance use and addictions so that you can provide much needed support and understanding.
Substance Use and Addictions: Providing Understanding and Support
"This was the best use of an hour of my time"
In under 60 minutes, you will:
- Recognize how substance abuse develops
- Identify the signs of substance abuse
- Improve comfort in supporting a co-worker who may be abusing substances
- Improve comfort in addressing substance abuse using a four-step action plan to holding a Supportive Conversation
- Determine actions that can be taken to support psychological health and safety in the workplace
Here's what you'll get once you sign up for our course...
Module One: Recognize How Substance Abuse Develops
Introduction to the complex issue of substance use and substance abuse and the factors that put people at risk.
Module Two: Identify The Signs Of Substance Abuse
Recovery from the stigma and the consequences of substance use and addictions is sometimes more difficult than recovering from the illness itself. Expand your understanding of the signs and symptoms of substance use and substance abuse. Explores the impact of stigma towards substance use and abuse
Module Three: Support A Co-Worker Who May Be Struggling
Lesson Brief
Recovery is aided by the presence of people who believe in and stand by the person dealing with a mental health challenge. This module provides skills and strategies to approach a colleague, friend or family member who may be struggling.
Substance Use and Addictions: Providing Understanding and Support
Substance Use and Addictions:
Providing Understanding and Support
is an eLearning course helping you
to increase your knowledge, skills and strategies to reduce stigma and move towards positive outcomes in dealing with Substance Use and Addictions issues.
Is Your Workplace A Psychologically Healthy And Safe Place To Work?
Successful organizations know that healthy employees are a competitive edge, however, there are systemic and organizational factors that affect the mental health of workers.
Does your organization:
- have an overall health policy stating your organization's intent to protect and promote the mental health of all employees?
- have a formal assessment process to determine employee needs and preferences in regards to enhancing their mental health and ensuring a psychologically healthy workplace?
- educate employees and leaders in healthy workplace principles and methods?
- through its leaders demonstrate through their actions, a commitment to providing a psychologically healthy workplace?
If not, Substance Abuse and Addictions can help to get you and your team on the right track!