Working Away From Home: How To Remain Healthy and Resilient
In an ideal world all contracts and jobs would be just around the corner from home.
Unfortunately that is rarely possible and for some getting to work usually results in an extensive commute and being away for days at a time.
Each module contains the learning resources needed to provide understanding around the challenges, negative behaviours, and choices that can make working away from home difficult, and the positive strategies to maintain a healthy lifestyle, relationships, and outlook.
Working away from home is hard, and if not done properly, can take an immense toll on your health, relationships, and your engagement at work. Understand the challenges, while purposefully taking action to remain healthy and resilient.
Working Away From Home: How To Remain Healthy and Resilient
Working Away From Home: How To Remain Healthy and Resilient
"This was the best use of an hour of my time"
In under 60 minutes, you will:
- Explore negative behaviours, and choices that can make working away from home difficult
- Understand the challenges that someone working away from home may face
- Discover the positive strategies to maintain a healthy lifestyle, relationships, and outlook
- Know what role everyone plays in a successful working away from home lifestyle
Working Away From Home:
How To Remain Healthy and Resilient
is an eLearning course helping you
to avoid the immense toll working away from home can have on health, relationships, and engagement.
Working Away From Home: How To Remain Healthy and Resilient
Is Your Workplace A Psychologically Healthy And Safe Place To Work?
Successful organizations know that healthy employees are a competitive edge, however, there are systemic and organizational factors that affect the mental health of workers.
Does your organization:
- have an overall health policy stating your organization's intent to protect and promote the mental health of all employees?
- have a formal assessment process to determine employee needs and preferences in regards to enhancing their mental health and ensuring a psychologically healthy workplace?
- educate employees and leaders in healthy workplace principles and methods?
- through its leaders demonstrate through their actions, a commitment to providing a psychologically healthy workplace?
If not, these WorkSmartLiveSmart Mental Health and Resiliency courses can help to get you and your team on the right track!